GDEXA x NTU Exclusive Global Mentorship Program enters the next round

GDEXA x NTU Exclusive Global Mentorship Program enters the next round

After the tremendous feedback from all parties, organization, students and mentors, the exclusive global mentorship program between GDEXA and the renowned Nanyang Technological University (NTU) goes into its second round. In fall last year, eight mentors with different backgrounds from Business and Technology, with special experience in Data Science and Data Analytics were meeting up virtually with two to three selected students from NTU Singapore based on a profile matching.

The program was structured into three one-hour sessions: starting from getting to know each other and identifying the mentee’s goals and outcomes, then deepening on the specified subjects and wrapping up on the learnings. Feedback was discussed in an open session with organizers, mentees, and mentors alongside with the plan to continue the successful format.

Starting from 03rd of March, the same eight mentors (never change a running system they say, right?) are looking forward to share their perspectives and learnings with selected NTU students from different study programs and semesters. With the motto “learn-shape-grow” GDEXA hopes to deliver again a memorable learning experience to the NTU talents, which shall guide them through their studies or entering the workforce.

Lastly, to give you an impression, Traacy Bey, one of the nineteen students joining the first round of mentorship said

“For myself, the participation in the GDEXA x NTU Global Mentorship Program was absolutely a pleasant and thoroughly enjoyable experience! It has provided me the opportunity to meet experienced professionals who are ever so willing to share about the ups and downs of their experiences, be it their years as a student or years as a working professional!”

Traacy Bey